Six Secrets of High-Energy People
There's an energy crisis in America, and it has nothing to do with fossil fuels. Millions of us get up each morning already weary over what the day holds. "I just can't get started," people say. But it's not physical energy that most of us lack. Sure, we could all use extra sleep and a better diet. But in truth, people are healthier today than at any time in history. I can almost guarantee that if you long for more energy, the problem is not with your body.
What you're seeking is not physical energy. It's emotional energy. Yet, sad to say, life sometimes seems de signed to exhaust our supply. We work too hard. We have family obligations. We encounter emergencies and personal crises. No wonder so many of us suffer from emotional fatigue, a kind of utter exhaustion of the spirit.
And yet we all know people who are filled with joy, despite the unpleasant circumstances of their lives. Even as a child, I observed people who were poor, or disabled, or ill, but who nonetheless faced life with optimism and vigor. Consider Laura Hillenbrand, who, despite an extremely weak body, wrote the best-seller Seabiscuit. Hillenbrand barely had enough physical energy to drag herself out of bed to write. But she was fueled by having a story she wanted to share. It was emotional energy that helped her succeed.
Unlike physical energy, which is finite and diminishes with age, emotional energy is unlimited and has nothing to do with genes or upbringing. So how do you get it? You can't simply tell yourself to be positive. You must take action. Here are six practical strategies that work.
1. Do something new.
Very little that's new occurs in our lives. The impact of this sameness on our emotional energy is gradual, but huge: It's like a tire with a slow leak. You don't notice it at first, but eventually you'll get a fiat. It's up to you to plug the leak—even though there are always a dozen reasons to stay stuck in your dull routines of life. That's where Maura, 36, a waitress, found herself a year ago.
Fortunately, Maura had a lifeline—a group of women friends who meet regularly to discuss their lives. Their lively discussions spurred Maura to make small but nevertheless life-altering changes. She joined a gym in the next town. She changed her look with a short haircut and new black T-shirts. Eventually, Maura gathered the courage to quit her job and start her own business.
Here's a challenge: If it's something you wouldn't ordinarily do, do it. Try a dish you've never eaten. Listen to music you'd ordinarily tune out. You'll discover these small things add to your emotional energy.
2. Reclaim life's meaning.
So many of my patients tell me that their lives used to have meaning, but that somewhere along the line things went stale.
The first step in solving this meaning shortage is to figure out what you really care about, and then do something about it A case in point is Ivy, 57, a pioneer in investment banking. "I mistakenly believed that all the money I made would mean something," she says. "But I feel lost, like a 22-year-old wondering what to do with her life." Ivy's solution? She started a program that shows Wall Streeters how to donate time and money to poor children. In the process, Ivy filled her life with meaning.
3. Put yourself in the fun zone.
Most of us grown-ups are seriously fun-deprived. High-energy people have the same day-to-day work as the rest of us, but they manage to find something enjoyable in every situation. A real-estate broker I know keeps her self amused on the job by mentally redecorating the houses she shows to clients. "I love imagining what even the most run-down house could look like with a little tender loving care," she says. "It's a challenge—and the least desirable properties are usually the most fun."
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A. Y
B. N
Television carries more national advertising than any others in the United States. The same is true in some smaller countries such as Spain and Portugal, where it is the only medium reaching a general national audience. In many countries, Sweden and Denmark, for example--the stateowned television accepts no advertising. In many other countries the amount of commercial time is extremely limited, as in France, Germany, and Italy. Soviet state-owned television began accepting a limited amount of advertising in 1988.
The chief reason for the population of television among United States advertisers is that it it reaches a vast number of people at the same time. While it can cost well over 100,000 dollars, a 30- second commercial on network television can be seen and heard by as many as 25 million viewers. For manufacturers who must make prospects aware of their products and convince them of its benefits immediately, there is nothing as efficient as television advertising.
Because it employs motion as well as words, graphics, sound, and music, television is a valuable medium for products that lend themselves to demonstration. No other medium is effective in showing how quickly an automobile can accelerate or how well a brand of wristwatch will stand up under abuse and continue to run. Similarly, it is an ideal medium such as long-distance telephone calls.
Which medium carries most national advertising in Spain?
A. Radio.
B. Newspaper.
C. Television.
D. Internet.