通常情况下,多层交换机胜过具有多个以太网接口的路由器( )
With a sense of duty to society and the people, we must lawfully step up our *(1)governance of cyberspace, develop better(2)online content, strengthen positive publicity, and work to foster a(3)positive, healthy, upright online culture. We need to use our(4)core socialist valuesas well as the fine achievements of human civilization to nurture people’s hearts and nourish the society, ensuring that(5)positive energyand mainstream values prevail. By doing so, we will be able to create(6)a clean and upright cyberspace for Internet users, especially young ones.
边际产量MPL曲线的形状是( )。
A. 先上升后下降的倒U型
B. L型
C. S型
D. M型
在我国开展的所谓以达到高速访问因特网的“一线通”业务中,窄带ISDN的目的。所有信道可以合并成一个信道,它的速率为( )。
A. 16kbps
B. 64kbps
C. 128kbps
D. 144kbps
PPP协议中,( )主要用于协商在该数据链路上所传输的数据包的格式与类型。
A. 链路控制协议
B. PPP扩展协议
C. 网络控制协议