
American television is criticized for its explicit sexuality.

A. True
B. False


The tone of the writer is that of ______.

A. doubt
B. warning
C. indifference
D. criticism

What's true of a parrot?

A. It can only be taught to talk.
B. It is a tame and wild bird at the same time.
C. It is likely to be spoiled.
D. It often eats more than needed.

How do thermographic pictures indicate the temperatures of various parts of the body?

A. With charts and graphs.
B. With a thermometer.
C. With different colors.
D. With moving lights.

明明是______的人,只因出生于特定的日、月,被归入同一星座,便有了相似性格。 填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是()。

A. 不共戴天
B. 各奔东西
C. 同床异梦
D. 毫不相干
