
Section B
Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.
Researchers are increasingly interested in manipulating the environment early in children's lives when they are perceived to be at risk for impoverished intelligence. In a program conducted in North Carolina by Craig Ramey and his associates, pregnant women with IQs averaging 80 were recruited for a study. After their babies were born, half of the infants were cared for during the day at an educational day-care center and half were reared at home by their mothers. Both groups of children were given medical care and dietary supplements, and their families were given social services if they requested them.
At the age of 3, the children who attended the educational day-care center had significantly higher IQs than did the home-reared children. This difference was likely due to the decline in the IQs of the home-reared children during the period from 12 to 18 months of age. By the time the children were 5 years old, 39 percent of the home-reared children had IQs below 85 but only 11 percent of the educational day-care children had IQs this low. In the most recent evaluation of this project, positive effects of educational day-care on the intellectual development and academic achievement of the children were evident at age 12.
Some parents, such as those in Ramey's study, have difficulty providing an adequate environment for the intellectual needs of their infants. Once these difficulties are a recurring part of the family system, changing efforts probably will be more difficult and costly. Early intervention in the family system is directed at changing parental adaptive and responsive functioning so that permanent negative effects are minimized.
In another investigation, the Infant Health and Development Program, early intervention With low birth weight children revealed that both home visitation(探望)and an educational child curriculum improved the Children's IQs, decreased behavior. problems, and improved the home environment. The intervention was more effective with mothers with low educational attainment than those with high educational attainment, more effective for African, American than White children, and effective for most at-risk children.
Intervention programs have the most positive effects on children's well-being when they (a) begin as early as possible, (b) provide services to parents as well as to the children, (c) have a low child-teacher ratio, (d) have high parental involvement, and (e) have frequent contacts. In one review of family intervention studies, intervention was more effective when there were eleven or more contacts between the intervener and the family. While eleven sessions is a some- what arbitrary number, it does indicate that a certain duration of contact is necessary for intervention success.
From the first sentence we learn that researchers ______.

A. have increased the risks to child growth by manipulating the natural environment
B. are increasingly aware of the effects of environmental factors on intelligence development
C. are increasingly interested in figuring Out how intelligence is developed in early child-hood
D. are increasingly interested in manipulating the environment without being aware Of the risks involved to children


Each of these real-life cases involved people who were regarded as superior employees, but were ill-equipped to cope with the complexities and dangers of intercultural management. "Multinational companies have studied everything else, now they're finally looking at culture," says Clifford Clarke, founder and president of the California-based IRI International Inc, one of a small but growing number of consulting firms that specialize in teaching business people from differing cultures how to communicate and work with each other.
"Never show the sole to an Arab, never arrive on time for a party in Brazil, and in Japan, don't think 'yes' means 'yes'," advise US consultants Lennie Copland and Lewis Brown Griggs, who have produced a series of films and a book to help managers improve their international business skills. But simply learning the social "dos" and "don'ts" is not the answer, according to the new culture specialists. The penalties for ignoring different thinking patterns, they point out, can be disastrous. For example, the American manager Who promised to be fair thought he was telling his Japanese staff that their hard work would be rewarded, but when some workers received higher salary increases than others, there were Complaints. "You told us you'd be fair, and you lied to us," accused one salesman. "It took me a year and a half", sighed the American, "to realize that 'fair', to my staff, meant being treated equally."
The Asian engineer who suffered in America was the victim of another mistaken expectation. "He was accustomed to the warm group environment so typical in. Japan," said his US. manager. "But in our company, we're all expected to be self-starters, who thrive on working a- lone. For him, it was emotional starvation. He's made the adjustment now, but he'd be humiliated if I told you his name, That's another cultural difference."
The Japanese manager who failed to respond to his promotion couldn't bring himself to use the more direct language needed to communicate with his London-based superiors. "I used to think all this talk about cultural communication was. a lot of baloney," says Eugene J. Flath, president of Intel Japan Ltd., a subsidiary of the American semiconductor maker. "Now, I can see it's a real problem. Miscommunication has slowed our ability to coordinate action with our office."
That's why Intel, with the help of consultant Clarke, began an intercultural training program this spring which Flath expects will dramatically reduce decision-making time now lost in making sure the Americans and the Japanese understand each other.
The best title for the passage would be ______.

A. Building Bridges over the Cultural Rivers
B. Multinational Training for Businessmen
C. Learning Different Thinking Patterns
D. Communication Problems and Complaints

With whom did Mr Christopher NOT meet?

A. The Syrian President.
B. The PLO leader.
C. The Jordanian President.
D. The Israeli Prime Minister.


A. 腹部叩诊呈鼓音
B. 肝浊音界消失
C. 腹部移动性浊音阳性
D. 肠鸣音消失


A. PPD试验
B. 血培养
C. 胸腔穿刺抽液检查
D. 胸部CT检查
