
Part A
Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)
The Japanese government wants women like Taeko Mizuguchi to get married and start doing something about the nation's plunging birthrate. But she's not interested. At least, not if her prospective husband is Japanese.
A growing number of Japanese women are giving up on their male counterparts, and taking a gamble that looking abroad for love will bring them the qualities in a partner that seem rare at home. "They treat you like equals, and they don't hesitate to express mutual feelings of respect—I think Western men are more adept at such things than Japanese men", says the 36-year-old Ms. Miznguchi, who works at a top trading firm. "They don't act like women are maids—I think they view women as individuals".
Underscoring that Japanese women are losing hope with the local boys, dating agencies to help snag a Western husband have sprung up in Tokyo, some with branches in the US and Europe. Such companies rigorously vet their clients, screening for education, family background, occupation, and life goals. The kind of women who sign up for such services include doctors, lawyers, and other professionals—women who have delayed marriage to concentrate on careers and who aren't keen to give up hard won gains to become a housewife, as many Japanese men expect. A generation of women who are now entering their 30s don't want to give up single life unless prospective partners are willing to break from traditional gender roles.
Government polls conducted to find out why women have put off marriage until well after 25 years of age—known as a woman's "best before date"—show that economic independence is key to the change. As most Japanese women have their own income, marriage is no longer a financial necessity and women want to find companionship in a husband. Having ruled out an old-fashioned Japanese husband, many women here think the solution is a Western man. Indeed, some seem so enthralled with the idea that they are willing to spend thousands of dollars to inspect the wares personally.
To be fair, not all the blame for female angst here can be laid on Japanese men. The government has been slow to enforce equal opportunity laws, and both pay and the glass ceiling in most Japanese corporations remain low for women. Recession has hampered longer maternity leave and other family-friendly policies. As Japan's fertility rate drops to new lows, the government is anxiously drawing up plans to make it easier for young couples to raise children, through such measures as the provision of cheap public housing.
Taeko Mizuguchi represents the kind of women who are

A. unwilling to rear children.
B. discontented with the traditional idea.
C. eager to marry a western man for romance.
D. enthusiastic only in career pursuing.



A. 在正常情况下,动植物都是靠有性繁殖来繁衍后代的,克隆是人们利用科学技术对原有繁衍方式改造的结果。
B. 有性繁殖和无性繁殖的区别在于,有性繁殖是受精细胞经过分裂而长成胚胎,无性繁殖是通过细胞核的分裂而长成胚胎。
C. “多利”是科学家用它父母的体细胞通过外科手术的方法“组装”出的克隆体,因此克隆羊“多利”没有亲生父母。
D. 克隆羊的诞生在世界各国引起了震惊,原因在于这种技术表明利用动物的体细胞也能发展成完整的生命个体。

Section A
Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D.

At the station.
B. Yes, it is going to.
C. To the city.
D. Immediately.


A. 持续低流量吸氧
B. 控制感染
C. 可适当用呼吸兴奋药
D. 祛痰、平喘
E. 输血、止血


A. 肱动脉出血
B. 桡神经损伤
C. 尺神经损伤
D. 正中神经损伤
E. 骨筋膜综合征
