事件1 降水方案错误,致使工作D推迟2天,乙方人员配合用工5个工日,窝工6个工日。累计投资(千元)事件2 8月21日至8月22日,场外停电,停工2天,造成人员窝工16个工日。
事件3 因设计变更,工作E工程量由招标文件中的300m3增至:350m3,超过了10%;合同中该工作的综合单价为55元/m3,经协商调整后综合单价为50元/m3。
事件4 为保证施工质量,乙方在施工中将工作B原设计尺寸扩大,增加工程量15m3,该工作综合单价为78元/m3。
事件5 在工作D、E均完成后,甲方指令增加一项临时工作K,经核准,完成该工作需要 1天时间,机械1台班,人工10个工日。
【C1】______ a doubt there are countries that offer interesting advantages for entrepreneurs, self employed and business owners. 【C2】______ most people don't know about them. That is 【C3】______ we have build up this web site. It shall guide you through the different types of companies and jurisdictions. Below we want to describe which advantages and benefits an incorporation can mean 【C4】______ you. There are many reasons to incorporate your business:
a corporation has a professional outlook 【C5】______ a sole proprietor
separate clearly 【C6】______ private and business
protect different business activities individually
reduce your personal liability 【C7】______ case of bankruptcy
achieve tax benefits
avoid heritage claims
gain investors by selling company shares
build up new credit
expand globally and attract international customers
【C8】______ you choose Whitherspoon, Seymour & Robinson Corp. you will additionally have low incorporation and maintenenace fees, absoluetely no hidden charges, a reliable partner and at all time free consultation and advice. Also, we will handle everything for you. You won't even have to leave your office 【C9】______ any time for the incorporation. You can ask all your questions 【C10】______ email, fax or phone, place the order online and get the company kit delivered right to your door.
1) criticizing their stand;
2) justifying your stand.
Try to use the information provided in the graphs below.
You should write 160-200 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.