

A. 正确
B. 错误


2008年5月12日14时28分四川省汶川县发生地震仅8分钟,新华网就发出全世界第一条带图片的消息:四川汶川发生7.8级强烈地震。很快网络、广播、电视、手机彩信等各种媒体迅速发布地震新闻。 当汶川地震发生后,各地曾经有谣言传出。如北京、成都、重庆等地盛传当晚会有余震发生,当地地震局都很快发布信息辟谣。不时发生的余震也引起昆明一些群众的猜测和不安,云南电视台迅速通过采访专家,游动字幕、手机彩信报和网络等传播手段,及时告知公众地震目前只对云南昭通造成影响,对其它地区没有大的影响。 政府对媒体的管制也表现出开放的态度。由于灾区信息及时传递,当空军无法空降时,网上出现了四川一名学生首发的帖文“有个地方特别适合空降”,被众多论坛、博客转载,最终为空军的救灾行动提供了信息帮助。 政府对灾情信息的透明化处理,使汶川大地震的新闻登上了世界各大传媒头版。国际舆论对中国政府应对这次重大灾难时表现出的及时、公开发布信息都给予了高度评价,包括一些曾对中国政府抱有偏见的西方媒体,这是从未有过的。在政府信息的公开透明环境下,民众获得了知情权,有了参与权。许多网友提出了“志愿者不要盲目前往灾区”、“救灾公益汇款,银行不应收取手续费”等有利于抗灾救灾的呼吁,被有关部门采纳。又如“有人哄抢救灾物资”、“成都帐篷事件”等信息在网络上发布后,立即引起有关部门的重视,很快将调查情况进行通报,使信息得到对称交流。 请根据《政府信息公开条例》的有关规定回答以下问题:四川汶川大地震中政府如何体现了信息公开能力的提高?


A. 10次
B. 12次
C. 16次
D. 20次


A. 县林业局
B. 当地镇(办)林业工作站
C. 镇政府
D. 村委会

In which of the following scenarios would the "show cdp neighbors detail"command be an appropriate troubleshooting tool?()

A. Two switches are connected via a trunk. Both switches have been assigned an IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. A ping is successful between the two switches. However, VLAN information is not passed from one switch to the other switch.
B. A router and a switch have been assigned an IP address, a subnet mask, and a default gateway. They are directly connected, but a ping between the two devices fails.
C. A router connects to another router through a serial interface. Both routers have been assigned an IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. The routers are running RIP and the networks directly connected to the first router do not pass to the second router. However, a ping from one router to the serial interface of the directly connected neighboring router is successful.
D. A router connects to another router via a switch. Both routers and the switch have been assigned an IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. Neither the routers nor the switch are able to ping one of the hosts that is directly to the switch.
