媒体点播(Media On Demand,MOD)涉及许多基本的多媒体网络通信问题,交互式电视(Interactive TV,ITV)是基于家庭电视的媒体点播系统,它支持不断增长的多媒体交互服务。
为了在传统电视上实现ITV的功能,一般使用机顶盒(Set-Top Box)设备。下图是一个机顶盒的应用结构图。
According to Tawanna Dillahunt and colleagues, successes in saving energy by Facebook and
In tuning system, the Federal Communications Commission had distributed parts of ______ spectrum to 12 television channels which were broken into two groups to avoid interference with existing services at the beginning.
The Netherlands has placed the rights of pedestrians before those of cars in such areas called______.