Emergencies and disasters can occur any time without warning. The more you are prepared for them, the better you will be able to act, reducing panic and confusion when an emergency occurs.
Emergency response plans (ERPs) are intended to provide clear and effective steps for managing an emergency. An ERP should deal with a variety of issues including evacuation of buildings, communication with local emergency services and the general public, individual roles and responsibilities during an emergency, and supplies and materials that may be needed.
Follow these basic guidelines to develop an effective ERP for your workplace:
Determine when an evacuation would be necessary.
Choose primary and secondary evacuation routes and emergency exits. Make sure they are clearly marked and well lit. Post signs.
Install emergency lighting in case a power cut occurs during an evacuation.
Ensure that evacuation routes and emergency exits are wide enough for people to be evacuated, clear at all times, and unlikely to expose evacuating people to additional hazards.
Coordinate your plan with the local emergency management office.
Choose “evacuation wardens” who will help others during an evacuation and account for employees.
Establish specific evacuation procedures. This includes a sample ERP to give you a better idea of what your procedures should include.
Establish a system for accounting for evacuated employees.
Hold emergency drills at least once a year to ensure that employees know what to do in an emergency and to test the effectiveness of emergency exit routes and procedures. Keep records of such drills.
Consider the transportation needs of employees.
Post evacuation procedures where employees can read them.
Establish procedures for helping people with disabilities and people who do not speak your local language.
Consider how you could quickly get important personal information about employees in an emergency (for example, contact numbers for their home, next-of-kin, or special medical conditions.
1. The emergency response plan is needed for reducing panic and confusion when an emergency occurs. {T; F}
2. Supply of basic necessities is not included in an ERP. {T; F}
3. According to the passage, the blocked emergency exits can help avoid further hazards. {T; F}
4. The evacuation plan of your workplace should be in line with that of local emergency management office. {T; F}
5. To ensure that employees know what to do in an emergency and to test the effectiveness of emergency exit routes, the emergency drills should be held once half a year. {T; F}
Over the decade 2001–2010, an average of more than 700 natural and technological emergencies occurred globally every year, {affect; affecting; affected} approximately 270 million people and causing over 130 000 deaths annually. Twenty-five per cent of these emergencies, and 44 per cent of these deaths, occurred in less developed countries with limited capacities to prepare for and respond effectively {to; with; for} emergencies. These statistics do not include the high levels of mortality and morbidity associated with conflict-related emergencies. {Due to; Based on; According to} the World Bank, over 1.5 billion people live in countries affected by violent conflict. These populations suffer from the consequences of societal disruption and increases in mortality and morbidity due to infectious diseases, acute malnutrition, trauma and complications from chronic diseases.
Over the same time period, risks to public health {have increased; has increased; increases} due to globalization, and international travel and trade. Such risks might be transmitted by people (e.g. SARS, influenza, polio, Ebola), goods, food, animals (e.g. zoonotic disease), vectors (e.g. dengue, plague, yellow fever), or the environment (e.g. radio-nuclear releases, chemical spills or other contamination).
In all types of emergencies, the poorest and most vulnerable people suffer disproportionately. These {positive; negative; affirmative} impacts are complicated by the enormity of the resulting economic costs, averaging over US$100 billion per year. The appropriate and timely management of these risks requires effective national and international capacities, intersectoral collaboration, the promotion of equity, the protection of human rights, and the advancement of gender equality.