
The writer says that as far as merger is concerned,

A. most ended in failure resulting from overconfidence.
B. most CEOs preferred to give up mergers.
C. companies are likely to earn their profit in acquisition.
D. capital markets became vulnerable because of merger.


What is said about CEOs in the third paragraph?

A. They are above the average people in intelligence.
B. They look down upon the ordinary people.
C. They are overly confident about their abilities as the others are.
D. They can do more mergers with their greater hubris.

美式权证可以在失效前一段规定时间内行权。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误

证券发行市场都是有形市场。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误


A. 当发行人清算时,混合资本债券本金和利息的清偿顺序列于一般债务和次级债务之前
B. 当发行人清算时,混合资本债券本金和利息的清偿顺序先于股权资本
C. 混合资本债券到期时,如果发行人无力支付清偿顺序在该债券之前的债务,或支付该债券将导致无力支付清偿顺序在混合资本债券之前的债务,发行人可以延期支付该债券的本金和利息
D. 期限在10年以上,发行之日起5年内不得赎回
