

A. 作为一名共产党员和党的领导干部,要认真实践“三个代表”的思想,办事、想问题都应从以党和人民的根本利益为出发点。
B. 艺术欣赏中的审美体验往往只可意会不可言传,一经点破,那含蓄的美常常会遭到破坏的危险。
C. 围绕体育比赛中日益严重的商业化、明星化趋势,对大运会产生了一定的冲击。
D. 我们必须进一步提高认识、统一思想,充分认识治理教育乱收费工作的重要性,增强做好治理教育乱收费工作的责任感、使命感和紧迫感。


A growing plant needs water for all of the following except ______.

A. forming sugars
B. sustaining woody stems
C. keeping green
D. producing carbon dioxide

American television is criticized for its explicit sexuality.

A. True
B. False

The tone of the writer is that of ______.

A. doubt
B. warning
C. indifference
D. criticism

What's true of a parrot?

A. It can only be taught to talk.
B. It is a tame and wild bird at the same time.
C. It is likely to be spoiled.
D. It often eats more than needed.
