
Todays policemen in large cities throughout the world rely on modern inventions to help them in their work. In most places motor scooters and police patrol cars have done away with the need to patrol on foot or on horseback. Policemen use telephones, conveniently located throughout their districts, to make immediate contact with headquarters. Radio, television, and computers help to speed the work of the modern force. Even boats and helicopters are part of the equipment of metropolitan police departments. New technical inventions are widely used to fight crime and speed the solution criminal cases. Electronic computers reduce from hours to minutes the time spent in searching for fingerprints. Witnesss descriptions of a criminal are coded and fed into a computer. The machine then sorts through the picture file of known criminals and selects the name and photograph of the most likely suspect. Lie detectors are used to uncover the truth.


Speaker A: Lets meet before next weeks meeting, Jane. I want to kick around some ideas with you. Speaker B: ______

Are you going to attend a meeting next week?
B. Sorry, I have no idea why you would like to see me.
C. That"s great. I am looking forward to seeing you.
D. No problem. I"ve got a really light week. Any time is fine by me.


A. 5%碳酸氢钠
B. 11.2%乳酸钠
C. 3.6%羟甲基氨基甲烷
D. 5%葡萄糖盐水
E. 乳酸钠林格液


A. 皮肤弹性下降
B. 眼球凹陷
C. 少尿
D. 头晕、疲乏、手足麻木
E. 抽搐


A. 静脉补钾浓度为0.3%
B. 静脉补钾速度为60滴/min
C. 静脉补钾尿量为30ml/h
D. 静脉补钾每日为3g氯化钾
E. 偶尔应用静脉推注10%氯化钾
