A healthy 28-year-old woman stands up from a supine position. Moving from a supine to a standing position results in a transient decrease in arterial pressure that is detected by arterial baroreceptor
A. Mean circulatory filling pressure↑, Strength of cardiac contraction↑, Sympathetic nerve activity↑
B. Mean circulatory filling pressure↓, Strength of cardiac contraction↑, Sympathetic nerve activity↑
C. Mean circulatory filling pressure↓, Strength of cardiac contraction↓, Sympathetic nerve activity↑
D. Mean circulatory filling pressure↓, Strength of cardiac contraction↓, Sympathetic nerve activity↓
An increase in which of the following tends to increase capillary filtration rate()
A. Capillary wall hydraulic conductivity
B. Plasma colloid osmotic pressure
C. Interstitial hydrostatic pressure
D. Plasma sodium concentration
The increase in heart rate caused by seeing a wild dog run after you is probably the result of the _____()
A. Hypothalamus
B. medullary accelerator center
C. increase in blood pressure
D. sympathetic nerves
A. Lumiere Brother
B. John Grierson
C. Dziga Vertov
D. Robert Flaherty
Miss Watson did’t come to Wellesley to fit in. She came to______()
A. flex her muscles
B. show off
C. make a fortune
D. make a difference