如果敲门后无回应,正确做法是:( )
A. 第二次敲后仍无回音,便可先半开房门
B. 自报:“客房服务员或housekeeping。”
C. 第二次敲后仍无回音,便可完全打开房门
D. 透过门缝扫视一下房间,看看是否有人
try one's hardest watch out for work out go about get over save for1. He made some suggestions about the best way to ________the project.2. The man __________ to secure the leadership position in the company.3. To the manager's disappointment, things didn't __________ as he'd planned.4. He is determined to ___________ his shyness and social anxiety by consulting a psychologist.5. In the business world, the business leader has to __________ market changes every day.6. The manager managed to find all the lost documents ____________ one.
猪渗出性皮炎的发病季节是( )
A. 冬季
B. 春季
C. 夏秋季节
D. 一年四季
E. 冬春季节