A. 构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任
B. 尚不构成犯罪的,由公安机关处拘留并处罚款,有违法所得的,没收违法所得
C. 对他人造成损害的,依法承担民事责任
D. 进行严厉的批评教育
Refer to the exhibit. Which rule does the DHCP server use when there is an IP address conflict?()
A. The address is removed from the pool until the conflict is resolved.
B. The address remains in the pool until the conflict is resolved.
C. Only the IP detected by Gratuitous ARP is removed from the pool.
D. Only the IP detected by Ping is removed from the pool.
E. The IP will be shown, even after the conflict is resolved.
A. 自然世界
B. 客观世界
C. 现实社会
D. 人格世界
A. 对授课模式进行设计,对课程内容、顺序以及教学方法进行选择
B. 导语设计,通过导语激发求知兴趣、强化学习动机等
C. 问题设计,根据教学目的、重点,把思考题设计在课程内容的“重难点”
D. 语言设计要准确精炼、易于理解