A. 追求享乐、玩物丧志,不好读书
B. 热衷应酬、忙于事务,不勤读书
C. 埋头苦读、学用结合,知行合一
D. 学而不思、知行不一,学用脱节
A. 对
B. 错
Since 1994, the United States Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Agriculture have required nearly all food to carry a foodindicating the amounts of calories, , protein, fat, and fiber perto make it easy for consumers to make healthful choices.
In an effort to provide additional guidance and reduce the incidence of diet-related cancers, the National Cancer Institute developed the 5-a-Day Campaign for Better Health, a program that the practice of eating five servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Studies of populations that eat many fruits and vegetables a decreased incidence of diet-related cancers. Laboratory studies have shown that many fruits and vegetables contain phytochemicals,that appear to the growth of cancer cells.
A. 正弦值sinα
B. 余弦值cosα
C. 正切值tanα
D. 余切值cotα