我们遗憾地发现这批货的质量有问题,我们不得不提出投诉/索赔。We are regret to find that the quality of the latest lot is so poor that we have to _______________.
这批货因为雨淋而严重受损,我们不得不要求全额退款。The goods have been so heavily damaged by rain that they’re unsalable. _______________________
考虑这批货还能销售,我们建议你方给予我方合同总金额5%的赔偿。Since the goods are not unsalable/still salable, we suggest that ______________________
考虑到双方良好的贸易关系,我们接受你方索赔,对破损货物进行更换。In view of our friendly business relations, we are prepared to accept your claim of_________________