________ is an element of the marketing communications mix that involves people-to-people oral, written, or electronic communications that relate to the merits or experiences of purchasing or using products or services.
A. Personal selling
B. Sales promotion
C. Word-of-mouth marketing
D. Public relations
E. Advertising
A. 眉头皱上扬
B. 闭眼
C. 咧嘴
D. 眼角放平
Which of the following elements of the marketing communications mix involves face-to-face interaction with one or more prospective purchasers for the purpose of making presentations, answering questions, and procuring orders?
A. advertising
B. sales promotion
C. word-of-mouth marketing
D. public relations
E. personal selling
Which of the following is an example of an advertising platform?
A. posters and leaflets
B. company magazines
C. fairs and trade shows
D. sales presentations
E. continuity programs
Which of the following is the marketing communications objective for a new-to-the-world product, such as electric cars?
A. enhancing brand awareness
B. developing brand attitude
C. increasing brand purchase intention
D. encouraging repeat purchases
E. establishing category need