
Everyone has emotions. Many psychologists believe that infants are born without emotions. They believe children learn emotions just as they learn to read and write. A growing child not only learns his emotions but learns how to act in certain situations because of an emotion.
Psychologists think that there are two types of emotions: positive and negative. Positive emotions include love, liking, joy, delight, and hope. They are aroused by something that appeals to a person. Negative emotions make a person unhappy or dissatisfied. They include anger, fear, despair, sadness, and disgust. In growing up, a person learns to cope with the negative emotions in order to be happy.
Emotions may be weak or strong. Some strong emotions are so unpleasant that a person will try any means to escape from them. In order to feel happy, the person may choose unusual ways to avoid the emotion.
Strong emotions can make it hard to think and to solve problems. They may prevent a person from learning or paying attention to what he is doing. For example, a student taking an examination may be so worried about failing that he cannot think properly. The worry drains valuable mental energy he needs for the examination.
We learn from the passage that an emotion is created by something ______.

A. one thinks bad or good
B. one feels in danger
C. one faces in the outside world
D. one tries to escape from real life


股东是公司财产的所有人,享有种种权利,可以对公司的财产直接支配处理。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误

监事会有权向股东会提出罢免董事、经理的建议。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误

公开发行股票数量少于3亿股的,配售数量不超过本次发行总量的20%。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误

我国《可转换公司债券管理办法》规定,可转换公司债券的期限最短为3年,最长为6年,自发行之日起6个月后可转换为公司股票。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误
