The key building in the Temple of Earth is the sacrificial _____________and all other buildings and setups are the subordinates.
The Great Wall was listed on the World Cutural Heritage by ________________in 1987.
The Meridian Gate, also known as _____________________(Five-phoenix Tower) is the main entrance to the Imperial Palace.
The Hall of Supreme Harmony, known as ______________________is most magnificent among the three main halls in the royal palace, where tourists can view the imperial throne.
A. 20世纪30年代美国开垦中西部大草原,引起“风暴”
B. 发展热带雨林迁移农业
C. 我国在中西部一些地区实施“退耕还林、退耕还湖”的战略
D. 在长江大力挖沙出售,既有经济效益,又疏浚了航道