A. 关键事件法
B. 结果导向型考评方法
C. 加权选择量表法
D. 行为观察量表法
A. 一
B. 二
C. 三
某项目部承接华北地区某城市道路绿化工程,全长为2.5km,道路两侧栽植行道树,按设计要求,行道树为深根性的国槐,胸径为12~15Cm。 在施工过程中,发生了如下事件: 事件1:国槐带土球移植,土球大小符合规范要求。项目部在苗木运来之前挖好了树穴,树穴上大下小。上口径比下口径大15~20Cm,树穴上口直径与土球直径接近。挖出的表土和底土混合均匀后放置一边备用。 事件2:在挖树穴时发现,有3个树位处地表下0.6m处有页岩。针对出现的问题,项目部与建设方口头协商后,将此3株树改为灌木型的黄杨球。 事件3:为保证树木成活,项目部在树木定植后第3天开始连续浇水3d,每天一次,浇水3次之间,中耕一次。 事件4:施工完毕,项目部对栽植做了记录,作为验收资料内容包括:土壤特性、气象情况、环境条件、种植位置、栽植后生长情况、采取措施以及栽植人工和栽植单位与栽植者的姓名等。 事件3树木定植后浇水措施不妥,给出正确做法。
A company that makes Computer Assisted Design (CAD) software has, within its application, some utilityclasses that are used to perform 3D rendering tasks. The company’s chief scientist has just improved theperformance of one of the utility classes’ key rendering algorithms, and has assigned a programmer toreplace the old algorithm with the new algorithm. When the programmer begins researching the utilityclasses, she is happy to discover that the algorithm to be replaced exists in only one class. The programmer reviews that class’s API, and replaces the old algorithm with the new algorithm, being carefulthat her changes adhere strictly to the class’s API. Once testing has begun, the programmer discovers thatother classes that use the class she changed are no longer working properly. What design flaw is mostlikely the cause of these new bugs?()
A. Inheritance
B. Tight coupling
C. Low cohesion
D. High cohesion
E. Loose coupling