The writer notices that, when Petter talks about his predecessor, he
A. expresses some regret for how the Association dealt with him.
B. thinks he had been there for too long.
C. questions changes he made within the Association.
D. indicates he has mixed feelings about his leadership style.
As lapsed Catholics, they sought a group which had as little doctrine and dogma as possible, but what they considered having good moral and ethical values. After some searching, they joined the local Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. Although my parents did not attend Meetings for worship very often, I went to first Day School there regularly, eventually completing the coarse and receiving an inscribed Bible.
At the Quake School, I learnt about the concept of the "inner light" and it has stayed with me. I was, however, unable to accept the idea of Jesus Christ being any more divine than, say, Buddha. As a result, I be came estrange from the Quakers, who, though believing in substantially the same moral and ethical values as I do, and even the same religious concept of the inner light, had arrived at these conclusions from a premise which I could not accept. I admit that my religion is the poorer for having not revealed word and no supreme prophet, but my inherited aversion to dogmatism limits my faith to e Supreme Being and the goodness of man.
Later, at another Meeting of Worship, I found that some Quakers had similar though not so strong reservations about the Christian aspects of their belief. I made some attempt to rejoin a Meeting for Worship, but found that, though they remained far closer to me than any other organized religious group, I did not wish to become one again. I do attend Meeting for Worship on occasion, but it is for the help on deep contemplation which it brings rather than any lingering desire m rejoin the fold.
I do believe in a "Supreme Being" (or ground of our being, as Tillich would call it). This being is ineffable and not to be fully understood by humans. He is not cut off from the world and we can know him somewhat through the knowledge which we are limited to--the world. He is interested and concerned for humankind, but on man himself falls the burden of his own life. To me the message of the great prophets, especially Jesus, is that good is its own reward, and indeed the only possible rewards that ark intrinsic in the actions themselves. The relationship between each human and the Supreme Being is an entire personal one.
It is my faith that each person has this unique relationship with the Supreme Being. To me that is the meaning of the inner light. The purpose of life, insofar as a human can grasp it, is to understand and increase this lifeline to the Supreme Being, this piece of divinity that every human has. Thus, the taking of any life by choice is the closing of some connection to God, and unconscionable. Killing anyone not only denies them their purpose, but corrupts the purpose of all men. (553)
If offered a reward for doing a good deed, the author would ______.
A. spurn the reward indignantly
B. accept it only as a token of the other person's feelings of gratitude
C. neither take nor refuse the reward
D. explain to the offerer that rewards are blasphemous
Which of the following does the MCA President mention as a reason for appointing Petter?
A. his ability to motivate members of an association
B. his experience of working in different trades
C. his broad network of business contacts
D. his previous work in management consultancy
In the long nm, for an athlete, in order to power his game, he needs a variety of foods which include fats.
A. Y
B. N
•Read the following profile of Bruce Petter, the new Director of the Management Consultants Association (MCA), and the questions on the opposite page.
•For each question (15-20), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.
Bruce Petter has not always been an executive. He started his career pumping petrol at a filling station, as he explains: 'After I left the army, my friend's father, who was Managing Director of a petrol company, recommended that I go into the oil industry. My great- uncle was running our own family petrol company, and I learnt the ropes at a petrol station. I subsequently married the daughter of the Marketing Director but this did not make for the happiest of scenarios. Depending on which side of the family they came from, my relatives thought I should support either my great-uncle or my farther-in-law, so I decided the time had come for me to leave the warring factions to fight it out among themselves and move on.'
He became founding Director of the Petrol Retailers Association. But after a few years he decided, 'I was getting to the stage where I wanted to move on again, so when I heard about the Management Consultants Association (MCA) post, I applied.'
He was aware that the selection process for the head of any trade association would, by definition, be protracted because of the difficulty of getting very busy people with mainstream business interests together. The association had 30 member companies at the time, representing a large proportion of the best-known names in the sector, and 'they all wanted to have a look at this individual who had applied to represent their interests, so I saw an awful lot of the membership'.
His principal area of expertise, he feels, is in running a trade association and the briefing that he has been handed suggests that this will be of prime value. 'If you were to ask me if I was ever going to be an expert management consultant, the answer would be no. But I am, I hope, able to articulate their views, to push through policies they want to see in operation and to improve their image. I hope to make management consultancy a powerful voice in government and industry.'
The President of the MCA confirms what landed Petter the job. 'We saw a lot of people, but there were three things in particular that impressed us about Brace. His experience of running a trade association was key and it seemed to us that he had a good understanding of how to relate to and inspire a membership made up of very busy partners, often in very large but also some considerably smaller firms. We are also aware that management consultancy is not always portrayed in a favourable light and he has done quite a bit of work on public image and has some very positive views in this area.'
So, Mr Petter has taken over from retiring Director Brian O'Rorke, and a change of mood is now in the air. O'Rorke was at the helm for 13 years and his successor is reticent when it comes to predicting how his own approach will differ. 'Brian did a magnificent job of sustaining the Association, of holding it together through thick and thin.' I detect a 'but' in his voice. But? 'I think if you ask anybody who or what the MCA was under his direction, the temptation would be to say "Brian O'Rorke". 'Petter feels his own style. will be very much determined by the objectives of the members: he sees himself as a channel for those aims. 'I don't want the MCA to be perceived as Bruce Petter's empire, but rather the members' empire,' he says. Mr Petter clearly has a difficult task ahead, but many of his staff will welcome a more open, modem style. and there's every indication he will be a success.
What do we learn about Bruce Petter in the first paragraph?
A. He likes to think of himself as a loyal person.
B. He has a negative view of family-run businesses.
C. His military background came in useful later in his career.
D. An awkward situation influenced the development of his career.