Which of the following is true according to Paragraph 4?
A. Illegal immigrants have more chances to stay permanently in the U.S. than guest workers.
B. With stepped-up border control, illegal immigrants are more likely to stay in their homeland.
C. Workers in temporary-worker programs usually pay no attention to their visa duration.
D. Guest workers will not stay too long because of the enhanced border enforcement.
The difference between modern cell phones and old phones lies in that
A. it requires more intelligence and education to use modem cell phones.
B. it takes more weeks to get familiar with modem cell phones.
C. modem cell phones are more complicated with many functions.
D. modem cell phones are more mysterious tools for people.
Which kind of "blood dopers" is least likely to be detected in the past?
A. People who inject themselves with EPO.
B. People who extract and re-inject some of their own blood.
C. People who took part in cycling competition in Spain in 2006.
D. People who are careful enough to avoid detection.
The sentence "A revealing trail of debris could give the game away"(Lines 2-3, Paragraph 1)shows that
A. the athletes who cheat will lose the game because of a trail of debris.
B. the athletes who cheat have to give up the game because of a trail of debris.
C. a trail of debris will help catch out the athletes who cheat.
D. a trail of debris will help the athletes avoid the game.
某40层住宅楼,公共部分设有火灾自动报警系统及自动喷水灭火系统。竣工后,建设单位组织进行了检测。对于各类消防用电设备主、备电源的自动转换装置,为了确保质量,检测人员重复进行了两次转换试验,均运转正常。该楼共安装了40台火灾报警控制器,检测人员抽验了其中的10台,均未发现任何问题。消防联动控制器在确认火灾报警后可在4s内发出联动控制信号。在玻璃全封闭的外走廊上装有紫外火焰探测器,检测人员抽验了其中的20%,质量均合格。回答下面问题: 1.请指出不合相关规定的地方,应作何改正? 2.简述火灾报警控制器的检验方法及内容。