It was only by_______ together days and nights of consistent effort, did the author published his famous work.
A. getting
B. stringing
C. weaving
D. putting
As Jane grew older, she ______her potential and limitations.
A. seemed to ignore
B. had to deal with
C. moved on with
D. came to termswith
Many investors chose to ______ during the financial crisis.
A. hold back
B. reserve
C. sit back
D. withhold
Mary jumped to her dream company after graduation, only to find that wasn’t what she ______.
A. had expected
B. have expected
C. expected
D. was expected
Inasurveyof54oftheworld'sleadingbrands,almostallofthemreportedthatconsumersareshowingincreasingcareabout ________lifestyles.
A. sustainable
B. exotic
C. chaotic
D. mature