The true historian is not content to take all his facts from other historians. Today he makes sure that his statements are based on sound "documents" or "sources" which go back to the time of the facts themselves.
But the historian needs always to be in his guard not to be misled by his sources. A document may not be a real one. Its author may be lying on purpose for some reason. He may be so greatly influenced by national, religious, party or person al backgrounds as to be totally unfair to the other side. If honest, he may be misinformed as to the facts and mistaken in his inferences.
Anyone who reads the accounts published in the different countries concerning the causes and results of wars will realize that the historian needs caution and training in handling these sources. The trained historian asks first: "Did this writer mean to tell the truth?" and second: "Was he in a position or frame. of mind to tell the truth even if he wants to?" Every statement must be patiently weighed and tested and combined with all other available information in order to get at the truth.
A "historically minded" researcher ______.