

A. 《让多边主义的火炬照亮人类前行之路》
B. 《共同构建人类命运共同体》
C. 《加强政党合作共谋人民幸福》
D. 《做共同发展的好伙伴》



A. 奉行单边主义
B. 坚持走和平发展道路
C. 国际上的事由大家共同商量着办,世界前途命运由各国共同掌握
D. 奉行零和博弈


A. 坚持弘扬全人类共同价值
B. 维护以联合国为核心的国际体系、以国际法为基础的国际秩序
C. 坚持奉行“有选择的多边主义”
D. 坚持与时俱进,不搞故步自封


A. 关税壁垒
B. 非关税壁垒
C. 投资税壁
D. 贸易税壁

TroubleshootingEngineer 1: Hey, Amy. Were you able to complete that systems test?Engineer 2: I was actually just making a report on the results.Engineer 1: Great. So what were you looking at?Engineer 2: A few people complained that their (1) were slow. So I used several metrics to test both the speed and capacity of the (2).Engineer 1: What metrics did you use?Engineer 2: I started with the central (3) unit. I tested it for execution time and throughput.Engineer 1: Good thinking. What did you find?Engineer 2: Well, there's good news and bad news.Engineer 1: What's the good news?Engineer 2: The throughput is still fairly high. The computer still processes large amounts of (4) in a short amount of time.Engineer 1: Well, that is good. We need the computers to process instructions quickly.Engineer 2: However, there were some disappointing areas of (5).Engineer 1: I thought there might be.Engineer 2: Yes. I found that the system CPU time slowed down significantly.Engineer 1: The background system must not be functioning properly.Engineer 2: That's what it looks like. I'm recommending further diagnostic tests.
