How do you minimizepathogenintroductionintoexperimentalanimals:
B. Keephandsawayfrommouth,noseandeyes
C. Wearprotectiveglovesandcoat
D. Removeglovesandwashhandsbeforeleavingtheanimalareas
A. Use mechanical pipettes (not mouth pipettes)
B. Never eat, drink, smoke, handle contact lenses, take or apply medicines in animal areas
C. Take care to avoid creating splashes or aerosols in animal areas
D. If creating aerosols, use a safety cabinet
A. Wear eye protection
B. Keep animal room doors closed
C. Decontaminate work surfaces promptly and wipe up spills
Decontaminate infected waste before disposal
Methods of animal euthanasia include:
A. Intravenous anesthetics: barbiturates
B. Inhalants: isoflurane, sevoflurane, CO2, N2, CO
Cervical dislocation: breaking or fracturing of the neck
D. Intracardiac or intraperitoneal injection: pentobarbital
Reasons for animal euthanasia are:
A. Terminal illness, e.g. cancer or rabies
B. Illness or accident that is not terminal but would cause suffering for the animal to live with, or when the owner cannot afford, or when the owner has a moral objection to the treatment
C. A hunter's coup de grâce (mercy killing)
D. Behavioral problems (usually ones that cannot be corrected) e.g. aggression - Canines that have usually caused grievous bodily harm to either humans or other animals through mauling are usually seized and euthanized ('destroyed' in British legal terms)