
In fact, most infections do not lead to overt clinical symptoms (disease) and are usually latent. Thus, the absence of clinical manifestations of infection has no or only limited diagnostic value, and ____________ infections are only detected if specific monitoring methods are applied.


All infections, apparent or inapparent, are likely to increase biological variability and hence result in a _________ in animal use.

Whenever pathogens infect laboratory animals, the immune system is activated regardless of the level of pathogenicity, and many agents also have the potential to induce _____________ of the immune system.

Housing of animals is best conducted behind __________ barriers. The term "barrier" rather describes a program aiming at the prevention of pathogen introduction than just a certain design of a facility.

A greater risk arises from animals which have been bred or housed in experimental units where less attention may be paid to ____________ hygienic measures compared with breeding units.
