?Read the article about goods and services.
?For each Question 31-40, write one word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.
Most of the activity of our economic system is connected with the production and consumption of goods and services. A commodity is anything that (31) human needs. The bread that I eat, the shoes that I wear, the house that I live in are all goods. Individual (32) will differ, of course. I do not happen to care for roses, but as long as someone does, they are a good. Two conditions are (33) for the existence of a good: a human need and a means to meet that need.
Goods may be divided into two main (34) : free goods and economic goods. Free goods are those that are so much supplied by nature that no human effort is (35) to get them. Economic goods are those that are so scarce and relative to human wants that human effort is required to get them. It will be (36) to the reader that whether a commodity falls in the part of free goods or economic goods will depend upon the (37) . On a small island, coconuts might be considered a free good. But when we consider the effort necessary to gather and (38) them, coconuts in New York City are an economic good. Probably the only goods that are free goods under nearly all circumstances are (39) air and sunshine.
A service is any nonmaterial good. The acts of the barber who cuts my hair, and of the railroad that carries me to Chicago are services. Since (40) are generally consumed at the same time that they are produced, it is sometimes convenient to draw a distinction between them.
?Read this text taken from an article about Personnel Management.
?Choose the best sentence to fill each of the gaps.
?For each gap 9—14, mark one letter (A—H) on your Answer Sheet.
?Do not use any letter more than once.
Personnel Management
Personnel management is regarded as a profession. Many observers believe that the most important and pressing problems of future industrial societies will not be solely concerned with production or technical questions, but will be people-oriented and will involve a knowledge of social and behavioral sciences and of the personnel function" H The role of personnel management has, of course changed over time. Originally it was used by management to obtain and maintain an effective work force only and the emphasis was on production and economic rewards. (9) . This is now only one part of the function. Later it was realized that if worker needs could be understood and met, for example, security, achievement, and job satisfaction, then the organization itself could better achieve its maximization of goals such as profits. Recently added to this has been the social (community) responsibility of the organization. (10) .
Personnel management is about people. The management of people is an integral part of the organization and of the process of management itself. (11) . Personnel management is not something that is only carried out by the personnel department; it is an organization-wide activity. All levels of management are engaged in managing personnel. (12) . They are involved in working in co-operation with the personnel department and its staff in such areas as recruitment, training, appraisal, counseling safety and health and job-design. Personnel management in its broadest sense involves all matters in an organization regarding people decisions. (13) . The first is that of human relations, in which such matters as individual motivation, leadership, and group relationships and behavior. are covered. The second is the field of organization theory, which considers job design, managerial spans of control, the flow of work through the organization, and so forth. The third consists of the specific kinds of decision areas for which the personnel manager or personnel department is directly responsible for acquisition, development, rewarding, and maintenance of human resources.
The bread definition of personnel management illustrates that the scope of personnel management pervades the organization. Every person in an organization is involved with personnel decision. (14) . Similarly, non-managerial employees will be exposed to performance appraisals, selection interviews when hired, and so on.
A It is through people that organizations accomplish their goals~ thus the management of people is a vital aspect of an organization's functioning.
B Later there was a move towards a welfare oriented personnel function such as benefits and health.
C This broad view focuses attention on three distinct but interrelated topics. Thus personnel management may now be involved in certain community activities, in equal opportunity employment in developing policies, for example, in employing racial minorities of physically handicapped people and in seeking to provide and maintain a climate in which individual and organization goals are achieved.
E Line managers of other departments e.g. marketing and production of various departments of sections in the public service and public agencies e.g. Telecom all have personnel/human resource management duties.
F Personnel managers didn't see a need to make sure that their employees were comfortable in the work environment and ensure all their needs were being met.