
多边主义的四项原则是( )。

A. 坚持开放包容,不搞封闭排他
B. 坚持以国际法则为基础,不搞唯我独尊
C. 坚持协商合作,不搞冲突对抗
D. 坚持与时俱进,不搞故步自封


多边主义原则倡导构建( )的新型国际关系。

A. 合作共赢
B. 公平正义
C. 开放包容
D. 相互尊重

践行多边主义的中国行动包括( )。

A. 积极参与国际抗疫合作
B. 实施互利共赢开放战略
C. 促进世界绿色与可持续发展
D. 倡导构建传统国际关系


A. 对
B. 错

Compare each pair of words and complete the following sentences with the right one.scare scared1.A lot of people are____________ of flying.2.Don’t let the noise ___________ you. It’s only the wind.passion passionable3.He has a ___________ for golf.4.Joe is ___________ about baseball.bare barely5.We ____________ had time to catch the train.6.The boy likes to walk on the sand with __________ feet.curse cursed7.His wealth proved a ____________ to him.8.All his life, he’s been ___________ with bad luck
