
下列选项中,围绕哲学基本问题而根本对立的两大哲学基本派别是( )

A. “世界是一团永恒燃烧的活火”与“天不变,道亦不变”
B. “心包万物,心包万理”与“黄金无足色,白璧有微瑕”
C. “天地合而万物生,阴阳接而变化起”与“道是天地之根,万物之母”
D. “元气是构成世界的本体”与“宇宙便是吾心,吾心便是宇宙”


John's score on the test is the highest in the class; he____ last night.

A. should study
B. should have studied
C. must have studied
D. must have to study

The room is in a terrible mess; it ____cleaned. (CET-4, 1996,6)

A. can't have been
B. shouldn't have been
C. mustn't have been
D. wouldn't have been

Nobody knows how people first came to these islands. They ____ from South America on rafts.

A. must have sailed
B. can sail
C. might have sailed
D. should have sailed

Mary was not in her bedroom yesterday afternoon. She ____ in her classroom.

A. should have been
B. must have been
C. must be
D. should be
