A. 蒲黄
B. 丁香
C. 青黛
D. 雄黄
某贸易公司向某银行贷款500万元人民币,由第三方某房地产公司向银行提供房地产担保,并向登记机关作了抵押登记。半年后,贸易公司与银行将原借款合同中未结清的款项作为新的借款,签订金额为400万元的借款合同,终止了原先的合同。原担保单位房地产公司虽与银行签订了格式的抵押合同,但未在该合同中约定具体物业,也未办理抵押登记。借款到期贸易公司不能还贷,银行起诉至法院要求房地产公司承担抵押担保责任。 问:房地产公司是否应当承担担保责任?
Company.com network consists of a single Active Directory domain named Company.com.Company.com has an Exchange Server 2010 organization.The Company.com employees use Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 to connect to their mailboxes.RPC over HTTP and Auto discover are configured on Microsoft Office Outlook 2007. Company.com has acquired a new Exchange Server 2010 server and moved the mailboxes to it.However, the employees find a problem to access their mailboxes. What should you do?()
A. You should consider using Outlook Anywhere and configure it.
B. You should consider creating and set up a Client Access array.
C. You should consider renaming the OWA virtual directory to Exchange.
D. You should consider the Switchover Server option.
A. 首饰、衣饰、携带物
B. 首饰、服装、携带物
C. 首饰、头饰、携带物
D. 首饰、衣饰、头饰