
读书的意义俞平伯古人云,"读万卷书,行万里路",这其实是对一桩事情的两种看法。游历者,活动的书本。读书则日卧游,山川如指掌,古今如对面,乃广义的游览。现在,因交通工具的方便,走几万里路不算什么,读万卷书的日见其少了。当然有种种的原因,最浅显的看法是读书的动机、环境、空气无不缺乏。讲到读书的真意义,于扩充知识以外兼可涵咏性情,修持道德,原不仅为功名富贵做敲门砖。即为功名富贵,依日下的情形,似乎不必定要读书,更无须借光圣经贤传,甚至于愈读书会愈穷,这无怪不喜欢读书,懂得怎样读的人一天一天的减少了。读书空气的稀薄,读书种子的稀少,互为因果循环。现在有一些人,你对他说身心性命则以为迂阔,对他说因果报应则以为荒谬,对他说风花雪夜则以为无聊。不错,是迂阔,荒谬,无聊。你试问他,不迂阔,不荒谬,不无聊的是啥?他会有种种漂亮的说法。但你不可过于信他,他只是要钱而已。文言谓之好利。好利之心压倒一切,非一朝一夕之故。古人说:"不以利为利,以义为利也。"以义为利是遥远的古话。退一步说,以名为利。然名利双收,话虽好听,利必不大。唯有不恤声名地干,以利为利,始专而且厚。道德名誉的观念本多半从书本中来,不恤声名与不好读书亦有相互的关联。在这一味好利的空气中寻求读书乐,岂不难于上青天,除非我们把两者混合。假如我们能够立一种制度,使天下之俊秀求官位利禄之途必出于读书,近乎从前科举的办法,这或者还有人肯下十栽寒窗的苦工。严格说来,这已失却读书的真正意义,何况这制度的确立还遥遥无期。 (1)作者认为读万卷书的人很少,原因是"读书的动机、环境、空气无不缺乏",这里的"空气"具体指什么? (2)作者在最后一段中说"严格来说,这已失却读书的真正意义",这样说的理由是什么?


文意理解题:夫立德立功立言圣贤事也瑭何人斯敢以自任缘瑭十九岁时父病年余至于不起瑭愧恨难名哀痛欲绝以为父病不知医尚复何颜立天地间遂购方书伏读于苫块之余至张长沙外逐荣势内忘身命之论因慨然弃举子业专事方术越四载犹子巧官病温初起喉痹外科吹以冰硼散喉遂闭又徧延诸时医治之大抵不越双解散人参败毒散之外其于温病治法茫乎未之闻也后至发黄而死瑭以初学未敢妄赞一词然于是证亦未得其要领盖张长沙悲宗族之死作玉函经为后世医学之祖奈玉函中之卒病沦亡于兵火后世学者无从仿效遂至各起异说得不偿失又越三载来游京师检校四库全书得明季吴又可温疫论观其议论宏阔实有发前人所未发遂专心学步焉细察其法亦不免支离驳杂大抵功过两不相掩盖用心良苦而学术未精也又徧考晋唐以来诸贤议论非不珠璧琳琅求一美备者盖不可得其何以传信于来兹瑭进与病谋退与心谋十阅春秋然后有得然未敢轻治一人癸丑岁都下温役大行诸友强起瑭治之大抵已成坏病幸存活数十人其死于世俗之手者不可胜数呜呼生民何辜不死于病而死于医是有医不若无医也学医不精不若不学医也因有志采辑历代名贤著述去其驳杂取其精微间附己意以及考验合成一书名曰温病除条辨然未敢轻易落笔又历六年至于戊午吾乡汪瑟庵先生促瑭曰来岁己未湿土正化二气中温厉大行子盍速成是书或者有益于民生乎瑭愧不敏未敢自信恐以救人之心获欺人之罪转相仿效至于无穷罪何自赎哉然是书不出其得失终未可见因不揣固陋黾勉成章就正海内名贤指其疵谬历为驳正将万世赖之无穷期也淮阴吴瑭自序(清•吴瑭《温病条辨•自序》) 要求: ⑴给上文标点 ⑵说出文中的黑体字意思 ⑶翻译文中加横线的句子 ⑷文意理解 ①吴瑭为何立志学医? ②吴瑭为何撰写《温病条辩》? ③“未敢轻易落笔”反映吴瑭何种心情?其中“落笔”的具体意义是什么?

Trying to Find a Partner One of the most striking findings of a recent poll in the UK is that of the people interviewed, one in two believes that it is becoming more difficult to meet someone to start a family with. Why are many finding it increasingly difficult to start and sustain intimate relationships? Does modern life really make it harder to fall in love? Or are we making it harder for ourselves? It is certainly the case today that contemporary couples benefit in different ways from relationships. Women no longer rely upon partners for economic security or status. A man doesn't expect his spouse to be in sole charge of running his household and raising his children. But perhaps the knowledge that we can live perfectly well without a partnership means that it takes much more to persuade people to abandon their independence. In theory, finding a partner should be much simpler these days. Only a few generations ago, your choice of soulmate (心上人) was constrained by geography, social convention and family tradition. Although it was never explicit, many marriages were essentially arranged. Now those barriers have been broken down. You can approach a builder or a brain surgeon in any bar in any city on any given evening. When the world is your oyster (牡蛎) ,you surely have a better chance of finding a pearl. But it seems that the old conventions have been replaced by an even tighter constraint: the tyranny of choice. The expectations of partners are inflated to an unmanageable degree: good looks, impressive salary, kind to grandmother, and right socks. There is no room for error in the first impression. We think that a relationship can be perfect. If it isn't, it is disposable. We work to protect ourselves against future heartache and don't put in the hard emotional labor needed to build a strong relationship. Of course, this is complicated by realities. The cost of housing and child-rearing creates pressure to have a stable income and career before a life partnership. Which of the following is NOT true about a contemporary married couple?()

A. The wife doesn't have to raise the children all by herself.
B. The husband doesn't have to support the family all by himself.
C. The wife is no longer the only person to manage the household.
D. They will receive a large sum of money from the government.

ABC会计师事务所负责审计甲公司2016年度财务报表,审计工作底稿中与函证相关的部分内容摘录如下: (1)审计项目组针对甲公司与其母公司一笔可能存在的低估应收账款,特别设计采用列明应收账款余额的积极式询证函。根据回函不存在不符事项的结果,审计项目组得出甲公司与其母公司的该笔应收账款不存在低估错报的审计结论。 (2)审计项目组针对应收账款回函率与以前年度相比异常偏高保持职业怀疑,审计项目组与重要被询证者相关人员直接沟通讨论询证事项,针对以前年度回函率非常低的三家被询证者,审计项目组前往被询证单位办公地点,分别验证了其真实存在。 (3)审计项目组实施跟函时,由甲公司财务主管陪伴,注册会计师在整个过程中保持对询证函的控制,同时,对甲公司和被询证者之间串通舞弊的风险保持高度警觉。 (4)截止到2017年3月1日,审计项目组针对客户丙公司对甲公司的违约诉讼的邮寄方式询证函未收到回函,审计项目组针对该事项专门电话询问了丙公司法律顾问,充分了解该诉讼事项的情况。审计项目组认为该法律顾问的解释合理,无需实施进一步审计程序。 (5)审计项目组收到的一份银行询证函回函中标注“本信息既不保证准确也不保证是最新的,其他方可能会持有不同意见”,审计项目组致电该银行,银行工作人员表示这是标准条款。审计项目组认为信赖其所含信息会使其承担更多的审计风险,审计项目组对此专门执行了替代审计程序,消除了对此回函可靠性的疑虑,并在审计工作底稿中记录了与银行的电话沟通内容,替代审计程序的内容以及审计项目组咨询、讨论形成的审计结论。 (6)审计项目组针对甲公司的丁客户采用邮寄方式发出询证函,并及时取回询证函。 针对上述第(6)项,指出审计项目组针对邮寄方式获取的回函可以实施的审计程序。

1 There are many arguments for and against television. The poor quality of its program is often criticized and TV commercials are also boring. So television is undoubtedly 1.__________ a great comfort to many lonely and elderly people. 2 The manager of a large office building had received many complains about elevator service in the building, but he engaged a group of engineers to study the situation 2.__________ and make recommendation for improvement. 3 We asked a lady, who replied that she thought you could tell a well-mannered person by the way they occupied the space around them――for example, when such a person walks down a street he or she is constantly unaware of others. Such people never 3.__________ bump into other people. 4 Until the very latest moment of his existence, man has been bound the planet on which he originated and developed. Now he has the capability to leave that planet and move out into the universe to those worlds which he has known previously only directly. 4.__________ 5 One major decision which faces the American students ready to begin higher education is the choice of attending a large university or a small college. The large university provides a wide range of specialized departments as well as numerous courses within such departments. The small college, therefore, 5.__________ generally provides a limited number of courses and specializations but offers a better student-faculty ratio, thus permitting individualized attention to students. 6 Music the Johnny has learned to appreciate as unpleasant is just dull noise to Jimmy――and quite 6.__________ possible, vice versa. 7 We are learning, finally, that silence is a natural resource and must be protected by law. It appears that we all find company in sound, if we all 7.__________ demand a little quiet from time to time. 8 The farmer aroused at down or before it and had much work to do, with his own muscles as his chief source of power. He used axes, spades and 8.__________ other complicated tools. 9 Whether women who have started a career will attain pay equality with men rests on at least two factors. First, will most of them continue part-time at their jobs after they have children? A 9.__________ break in their employment, or a decision to work part-time, will slow their raises and promotions as it would for men. 10 Whether true or not, the story illustrates the problem with idioms. They are almost possible to 10.__________ understand from the meanings of the individual words. And with English idioms, even the same words may have different meanings. 在7处填写改错内容。
