

A. 呼吸加快,气促
B. 明显的呼吸困难
C. 病人发绀
D. 呼吸道分泌物增多
E. 肺部听诊有啰音



A. 呼吸音减弱
B. 肺部湿啰音
C. 躁动不安
D. 动脉氧分压下降
E. 呼吸困难迅速加重


A. 胰性脑病
B. 败血症
C. 心力衰竭
D. 消化道出血
E. 急性呼吸窘迫综合征


A. 持续高浓度吸氧
B. 应用呼气末正压通气
C. 持续低浓度吸氧
D. 迅速应用糖皮质激素
E. 应用正压机械通气

What is globalization?Globalization is a 1)_________, cultural and political phenomenon.Socially, globalization leads to greater interaction among various populations.Culturally, globalization represents the exchange of ideas, values and artistic expression among cultures.Politically, globalization has shifted attention to Intergovernmental organizations like the United Nations(UN) and the World Trade Organization(WTO).In Han Dynasty, Zhang Qian set off to the Western regions twice, and was the 2)_______ of Silk Road.Globalization brought about great changes in our life. The most dramatic change is found in 3)_____.Another field of globalization is education. More international students are studying in Chinese universities.Globalization also witnessed the boom of e-learning.Some people are more critical about globalization, like the speaker of TED speech the Myth of globalization. A cultural context is 4)__________ to overcome the communication barrier.
