
一般以安装面、重要的端面、装配的结合面、对称平面和回转体的轴线等作为基准。( )

A. 对
B. 错


Startup companies can come in all forms. A 1 task in setting up a business is to conduct research in order to validate, assess and develop the ideas or business concepts in addition to opportunities to establish further and deeper understanding on the ideas or business concepts as well as their commercial 2, A company may 3 to be a startup as it passes various 4, such as becoming publicly traded in an IPO, or ceasing to exist as an independent entity via a merger or acquisition. Companies may also fail and cease to operate altogether.Investors are generally most 5 to those new companies distinguished by their risk / reward profile and scalability. That is, they have lower bootstrapping costs, higher risk, and higher potential return on investment. Successful startups are 6 more scalable than an established business, in the sense that they can potentially grow rapidly with limited investment of capital, labor or land.Startups 7 several unique options for funding. Venture capital firms and investors may help startup companies begin operations, exchanging cash for an equity stake. In 8 though, many startups are 9 funded by the founders themselves. Factoring is another option, though not 10 to startups. Some new funding opportunities are also developing in crowd funding.

顾客期望是把“双刃剑”,“双刃剑”体现在( )

A. 吸引顾客
B. 过高的顾客期望难以实现
C. AB选项都是

理想期望是指( )。

A. 顾客心目中服务应该达到和可以达到的水平
B. 顾客能接受,要求水平一般甚至更低的水平
C. 介于合意期望和容忍区域之间的期望
D. 顾客心目中追求的较高水平的期望


A. 产品
B. 市场
C. 顾客价值
D. 关系
