This Certificate will remain in force until May 1,2009. ().
A. This Sentence refers to the validity of the Certificate
B. This Sentence refers to the time of the Certificate
C. This Sentence refers to the date of the Certificate
D. This Sentence refers to the issue of the Certificate
以外币表示的可以用于国际结算的支付手段和资产是( )。
A. 广义的动态外汇
B. 狭义的动态外汇
C. 广义的静态外汇
D. 狭义的静态外汇
A. 正确
B. 错误
A. φ9.5mm
B. φ12.7mm
C. φ22.2mm
D. φ28mm
A. 限定因素原理
B. 许诺原理
C. 灵活性原理
D. 改变航道原理