
仅用于甲亢手术前准备与甲状腺危象的是( )

A. 丙硫氧嘧啶
B. 甲状腺素片
C. 利血平
D. 复方碘溶液
E. 131I


甲状腺分泌的主要激素是( )

A. 单碘酪氨酸
B. 甲状腺球蛋白
C. 甲状腺激素
D. 双碘酪氨酸
E. 蛋白水解酶

甲状腺功能检查应用( )

A. 左甲状腺素
B. 丙硫氧嘧啶
C. 小剂量碘
D. 大剂量碘
E. 少量131I

防治缺碘引起的单纯性甲状腺肿宜选用( )

A. 大剂量碘
B. 小剂量碘
C. 甲状腺素
D. 卡比马唑
E. 甲硫咪唑

Reporter:IntellectualpropertyhasbeenamajorprobleminChinaandthereisageneral 1thatthelegalenvironmentis2 whichmakesplanningandenforcementonarangeofissuesdifficulttoimpossibleparticularlyifyoubecome"too" 3 orcomeintoconflictwithgovernmentauthorities.Wealsohearalotabout the importance of relationships when doing business there. How do you view this issue?Jack:Relationshipsareindeedimportant.Thatdoesnotmeanyouneedtohave them when you get to China,butyoudoneedto 4 them and use them rather than legal means to 5your goalsandinterests.ConcernaboutintellectualpropertyisaquestionIgetallthetime.Ithinktheactualsituationismuchbetterthanmostpeople believe. That does not mean itis notaproblem ,butitisnotasbadasmostthinkandit iscertainlybetterthan inthepast. For Business to Business 6 thereareways youcan protectyourself intermsofhow youstructure your 7 andproduceyour products. Chinaisalso 8 more, andthemore that happens,themorethe country's localcompanieswill beinterestedin protectingtheir intellectual property.At themoment, Chinaisalready oneofthetopholders of 9 intheworld,andthat will significantlychangethewaythecountyviewsnellectualproperty 10overtime.
