
Which of the follwing statements is true about the result of the test?

A. Nearly half of the women tested described the instant coffee user a lazy housewife and a poor planner.
B. About fifty percent of the women were lazy.
C. 25% the women tested believed that wives who used instant coffee were lazy.
D. Wives who used regular coffee were good planners.


Which of the following statements is NOT correct?

An Unsocial Socialist is typical of Shaw's novels.
B. Shaw left 51 plays for his readers.
C. Shaw first worked as a dramatic critic for his literary career.
D. Shaw took a strong stand against the trend of "art for art's sake".


A. achieved
B. exerted
C. secured
D. acquired


A. detect
B. define
C. demand
D. defend

According to the text, what concerns the author most is the ______ with respect to cloning

A. ethics
B. economics
C. genetics
D. mechanics
