Conversation One (Questions 1-4)Look at the form below.You will hear a man making a request for catering.Booking made by: Julian RussellCompany: Family HolidaysEvent: Launch of new (1) .......... campaign.Date: (2) .......... MayLocation: Head Office, in the (3) ..........Number attending: (4) ...........Conversation Two (Questions 5-8)Look at the note below.You will hear a man calling to change an arrangement.MessageTo: Sam WongFrom: Bob (5) ......................................................... (Planning Dept)Message: Wednesday's meeting with him and (6) ......................................changed to (7) ................................................ at 11 am.Please bring (8) ................................ for the new production units.Conversation Three (Questions 9-12)Look at the note below.You will hear two colleagues talking on the phone.IT Department Messages Time: 10.30amTom,Dave Proctor (9) ............................................................... Dept) called - he has someonewho might be suitable for the (10) ................................................................................ job.Can you go over there and take a departmental (11) ..................... form with you?Candidate will wait for up to 2 (12) ..........................................................................................
某期货公司采用的风险度计算公式为“风险度=保证金占用/客户权益x100%”,则有( )。
A. 风险度等于100%,表示客户的可用资金为0
B. 当客户的风险度大于50%时,则会收到“追加保证金通知书
C. 当客户的风险度大于100%时,则会收到“追加保证金通知书
D. 风险度越接近100%,表示风险越大
期货买卖双方进行期转现交易的情形包括( )
A. 在期货市场有反向持仓双方,拟用标准仓单或标准仓单以外的货物进行期转现
B. 建仓时机和价格分别由双方根据市况自行决定
C. 相当于通过期货市场签订一个即期合同
D. 买卖双方为现货市场的贸易伙伴,有远期交货意向,并希望远期交货价格稳定
设有如下定义,struct ss{ char name[10];int age;char sex; }std[3],*p=std;下面输入语句中错误的是( )
A. scanf(“%d”, &(*p).age);
B. scanf ("%s",&std.name);
C. scanf(“%c”,&std[0].sex);
D. scanf ("%c", &(p->sex));