
Talking to Kids about SARS School age children may be learning about SARS from adults and the media, but may not know what to make of the situation, says a national health charity. The Lung Association says parents should take time to talk to their ____1____ and explain the facts about SARS and how to avoid the illness. The following is based on recommendations ____2____ Thursday by the Lung Association: Ask your children if they have heard ____3____ SARS at school, from friends, from TV, etc. Finding out what they already know can be a good ____4____ to start the conversation and to clear away any wrong ideas they might have about the illness and how it is spread. School age children are usually old ____5____ to understand concepts such as getting sick from germs and how to avoid illness. A simple reminder ____6____ to cough on people and to wash their hands often may be sufficient for younger kids. All children should be shown how to ____7____ their hands properly. Remember to keep it simple so ____8____ not to overwhelm children with information, but answer them truthfully. Kids can tell when you're not being honest or if your're hiding something, and sometimes the unknown can be more frightening than the ____9____ . Parents with anxious children will know how their kids will handle information on SARS and can tailor their discussion accordingly. One way to explain the illness is to tell children that SARS is like a bad breathing problem. It is ____10____ from a cold, but people can catch it in the same ways—such as coughing on someone, not washing your hands or sharing a glass with a sick person. ___1___内选项为()

A. about
B. different
C. as
D. way
E. not
F. truth
G. children
H. enough
I. how
J. wash
K. pass
L. released


当你思考工作与生活之间的冲突时,可能更容易想到那些在组织中职位较低的员工。是,近期一项针对179名首席执行官进行的调查揭示,他们中的很多人也在为这一问题而苦挣扎。例如:31%的人说他们的生活压力很大;47%的人承认自己为了更多一点的个人生活不得不牺牲一些收入;16%的人称近6个月内的工作变化是为了减轻个人生活的压力,或 减小对于个人生活的牺牲。 调查中的大多数高层经理人员承认,为了处于组织中的顶层地位,他们放弃了很多东西,并且还在不断放弃。他们常常对密集而枯燥的出差要求感到厌倦,更不用说每周平均60小时的工作时间了。不过很多人还是认为,为了爬到CEO这个职位,做出什么样的牺牲都是值得的。 琼.斯通(Jean Stone)也许算不上这一群体的代表,但从她的经历中可以看出这些高层人员不得不付出的一些代价。Dukane公司是一家以伊利诺伊为基地的电子通讯设备生产商。作为该公司的总裁兼首席执行官,斯多尔称自己是高成就取向者,她对自己的工作十分看重,并坦言因此而忽略了对个人生活的关注。最近,也就是在她结婚10年之后她离了婚,并承认“工作与职业压力是原因之一”。 对工作的重视程度多大时算是过度?工作与个人生活之间什么样的平衡算是恰当?在一家大型企业中,你在多大程度上愿意放弃CEO这个职位?如果你是一名CEO,你认为自己承担多大的道义责任来平衡员工的工作与生活责任?


A. 200
B. 500
C. 1000
D. 2000


A. 按比例计提
B. 阶段奖励
C. 预提奖金
D. 分段超额累进计算


A. 正确
B. 错误
