
天津市王某夫妇于1978年收养女童一名,取名王乐蓉,并将其抚养成人。王乐蓉在订婚前后,王某夫妇为其购置了许多高档衣料和其他用品,并答应在王乐蓉举行婚礼时当众赠送其金项链1条、金戒指2只和金锁片1个。1998年5月,王乐蓉办理结婚登记后,趁养父母外出探亲之机,擅自将王某夫妇收藏在箱内的上述金首饰拿走。王某夫妇回家后,王乐蓉在王某夫妇的追问下承认是自己拿走了物品。王某夫妇要求归还时,王乐蓉却说:你俩早有诺言,首饰作为我的结婚礼物,这首饰应归我所有。因王乐蓉拒不返还首饰,王某夫妇遂向法院起诉,要求返还首饰。 问: 赠与合同是诺成合同还是实践合同



A. 不对称分布
B. 右偏态分布
C. 左偏态分布
D. 随意分布
E. 对称分布

Nice guys knew it, now two studies have confirmed it: bad boys get the most girls. The finding may help explain why a nasty suite of anti-social personality traits known as the "dark triad" persists in the human population, despite their potentially grave cultural costs. The traits are the self-obsession of narcissism; the impulsive, thrill-seeking and unfeeling behavior of psychopaths; and the deceitful and exploitative nature of Machiavellianism. At their extreme, these traits would be highly detrimental for life in traditional human societies. People with these personalities risk being shunned by others and shut out of relationships, leaving them without a mate, hungry and vulnerable to predators. But being just slightly evil could have an upside: a prolific sex life, says Peter Jonason at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces. "We have some evidence that the three traits are really the same thing and may represent a successful evolutionary strategy." Jonason and his colleagues subjected 200 college students to personality tests designed to rank them for each of the dark triad traits. They also asked about their attitudes to sexual relationships and about their sex lives, including how many partners they"d had and whether they were seeking brief affairs. The study found that those who scored higher on the dark triad personality traits tended to have more partners and more desire for short-term relationships. But the correlation only held in males. James Bondepitomizesthis set of traits, Jonason says. "He"s clearly disagreeable, very extroverted and likes trying new things—killing people, new women." Just as Bond seduces woman after woman, people with dark triad traits may be more successful with a quantity style or shotgun approach to reproduction, even if they don"t stick around for parenting. "The strategy seems to have worked. We still have these traits," Jonason says. This observation seems to hold across cultures. David Schmitt of Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois, presented preliminary results at the same meeting from a survey of more than 35,000 people in 57 countries. He found a similar link between the dark triad and reproductive success in men. "It is universal across cultures for high dark triad scorers to be more active in short-term mating," Schmitt says. "They are more likely to try and poach other people"s partners for a brief affair." Matthew Keller of the University of Colorado in Boulder remarks: "They still have to explain why it hasn"t spread to everyone There must be some cost of the traits." One possibility, both Keller and Jonason suggest, is that the strategy is most successful when dark triad personalities are rare. Otherwise, others would become more wary and guarded. Unlike others, people with slight dark triad personalities are more likely to

A. run the risk of being avoided by others.
B. be left alone and attacked by predators.
C. enjoy a productive and successful sex life.
D. ruin the good relationship.

甲乙是好友,乙自己经营一店铺,由于资金短缺故欲向甲借10万元,甲也口头允诺。后甲听说乙借钱的真正目的是用于赌博,遂不想借钱给乙。乙得知此事后十分恼怒,向甲主张违约责任。 问: 甲只是口头上允诺借钱给乙,借款合同是否成立

