Please choose the best English to match with the Chinese statements.“作为在纽约市长大的犹太人,”艾德告诉我,“如果你还算聪明,你的父母会希望让你成为医生或牙医。我实际上擅长数学。但当时实在没有多少计算机编程的工作。
A. "Growing up Jewish in New York City," Zuchergerg tells me, "if you are smart enough, your parents wanted you to be a doctor or a dentist. I was actually a guy excellent in math. But back then, there really weren't a lot of jobs in computer programming".
B. "Growing up Jewish in New York City," Zuchergerg tells me, "if you had half a brain, your parents wanted you to be a doctor or a dentist. I was actually a numbers guy. But back then, there really weren't a lot of jobs in computer programming".
C. "Growing up Jewish in New York," Zuchergerg tells me, "if you are smart enough, your parents wanted you to be a doctor or a dentist. I was actually a guy excellent in math. But back then, there really weren't a lot of jobs in computer programming".
D. "Growing up Jewish in New York," Zuchergerg tells me, "if you had half a brain, your parents wanted you to be a doctor or a dentist. I was actually a numbers guy. But back then, there really weren't a lot of jobs in computer programming".
Please choose the best English to match with the Chinese statements.凯伦成了艾德诊所的经理,她当时已经拿到了精神病医生的执照。
A. Karen, a licensed psychiatrist, was enlisted as his office manager—“my most qualified employee,” Ed says.
B. Karen, now a licensed psychiatrist, was persuaded as his office manager—“my most overqualified employee,” Ed says.
C. Karen, a licensed psychiatrist, was persuaded as his office manager—“my most qualified employee,” Ed says.
D. Karen, now a licensed psychiatrist, was enlisted as his office manager—“my most overqualified employee,” Ed says.
Please choose the best English to match with the Chinese statements.这是一个亲密的家庭,自有一番天地。
A. The family was always “tight-knit,” Donna Zuckerberg tells me—a kind of universe into itself.
B. The family was always “tight-knit,” Donna Zuckerberg tells me—a kind of universe unto itself.
C. The family was always “integrated,” Donna Zuckerberg tells me—a kind of universe into itself.
D. The family was always “integrated,” Donna Zuckerberg tells me—a kind of universe of itself.
Please choose the best English to match with the Chinese statements.“如果你打算对他说不,你最好准备好强有力的论据,并以事实、经历、逻辑和理由来支持。我们设想他有一天会成为律师,他能百分之百地成功说服陪审团。”
A. "If you were going to say no to him, you had better prepare a strong argument back by facts, experiences, logic, reasons. We envisioned him becoming a lawyer one day, with a near 100 percent success rate of convincing juries".
B. "If you were going to say no to him, you had better be prepared with a strong argument back by facts, experiences, logic, reasons. We imagine him becoming a lawyer one day, with a near 100 percent success rate of convincing jury".
C. "If you were going to say no to him, you had better be prepared with a strong argument backed by facts, experiences, logic, reasons. We envisioned him becoming a lawyer one day, with a near 100 percent success rate of convincing juries".
D. "If you were going to say no to him, you had better prepare with a strong argument backed by facts, experiences, logic, reasons. We imagine him becoming a lawyer one day, with a near 100 percent success rate of convincing jury".
Please choose the best English to match with the Chinese statements.这个节目的文字整理稿到了美联社手里,很快被重新包装,并被无数网站转载,引起了广泛讨论。
A. The transcript was obtained by the Associated Press and quickly repackaged and chewed over by countless websites.
B. The transcript was obtained by the Reuters and quickly presented again and chewed over by countless websites.
C. The transcript was obtained by the Bloomberg and quickly repackaged and chewed over by countless websites.
D. The transcript was obtained by the Xinhua and quickly presented and chewed over by countless websites.