Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.
听力原文: Experts say some farming activities are seriously damaging Earth's environment: Bad farming methods can damage soil, forests and water supplies. They also have caused some plants and animals to disappear.
Two groups now say that bad fanning methods axe threatening the ability of farmers to produce enough food to feed the world population in the future.
The groups used satellite images, maps and modern equipment to study the effect of agriculture on the environment. The study found that the destruction of soil is widespread. Important organic nutrients are being removed from farmland.
Agriculture uses seventy percent of the freshwater in the world each year. The study found that many farmers are wasting water supplies. In addition, chemicals designed to protect crops may pollute waterways.
The report also says as much as thirty percent of the world's forests have been cut down so the land could be used for agriculture. This has led to a severe loss of wildlife and their environments.
Which is not mentioned in the passage as an aspect that farming activities are damaging?
A. Soil.
B. Human population.
C. Forest.
D. Water.
听力原文: American scientists are developing maps that can identify areas of future flooding. The maps also may help scientists estimate the possibility of extremely dry weather and severe storms.
Tom Jackson of the United States Department of Agriculture prepared the map after the April flood. He used information provided by satellites in Earth orbit.
The maps are produced from dish receivers on the satellites. Each dish receiver measures the wetness of the soil by capturing the natural release of microwave radiation from the soil. The receivers turn rapidly. This provides complete coverage of each area the satellite passes over.
Mr. Jackson and other scientists have tested Aqua's equipment in air planes and satellites flying over several states. The scientists used the tests to develop ways to change the information gathered into maps.
Mr. Jackson now plans to compare the microwave dish receiver findings with information from tests on Earth's soil. He will use instruments at Agricultural Research Service centers in four states. He also will study information provided by forty ground observation centers across the country.
Why American scientists are developing these maps?
A. To estimate the extreme weather.
B. To develop the satellite technology.
C. To improve agricultural output.
D. To learn how to change information to maps more efficiently.
听力原文:M: You're probably wondering why I asked you to come to see me.
W: Yes, I am. I have been a little worried about it all morning.
M: Oh, I should have told you more when I saw you after class; but there were so many students waiting to ask questions. Jean, I wanted to tell you that I have nominated you for the outstanding student award.
W: Really?
M: You are clearly the best student in my class, and, as I understand, in the rest of your classes as well. I have talked with your other professors. You see, in order to be chosen for the award, you need to have three professors sign the nomination. Dr. Jones, Dr. Harvey, and Dr. Small were more than glad to do so.
W: This is such a surprise. I can hardly take it in.
M: Well, I think you have a very good chance to win it.
W: Dr. Foley, the fact that you think highly enough of me to make the nomination is more than enough for me. I'm really happy just to be nominated.
M: You deserve it. The selection committee will be calling you to set up an interview. Call me when they do, and I'll meet with you to give you some suggestions on how to prepare. If you get the award, you'll receive five hundred dollars along with the certificate of honor.
W: Thank you so much, Dr. Foley. I'm really honored.
What is the main topic of the conversation?
A. The woman's performance in her classes.
B. The woman's nomination for an award.
C. The professor's offer to help prepare the woman for an interview.
D. The results of the professor's meeting with the woman's other teachers.
Directions: In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.
听力原文:W: Dr. Newbury, could I speak with you?
M: Sure. Come in.
W: I need to ask you to let me take the final early.
M: May I ask why?
W: Yes. It's because I bought a ticket to go home for Christmas, and my flight leaves on Tuesday. That's the day before the exam.
M: Yes, well, Penny, the exam schedule is printed in the registration mate rials. You had to know the dates. Why didn't you buy your ticket for the
day after the exam?
W: Truthfully, I just made a mistake. And now, I've got a real problem be cause the ticket is nonrefundable, and I can't afford to buy another one.
M: Hmmn.
W: Dr. Newbury, I live too far away to get home for Thanksgiving and Spring Break like the other students do. This is my only chance to see my family during the school year. I'm sorry that it happened, but couldn't you make an exception this time? Or could you give me an in complete and let me make it up next semester?
M: Okay. Anyone can make a mistake. You can take the exam on Monday.
W: Thank you. I really appreciate this.
What is the woman's main purpose in this conversation?
A. To take her final exam.
B. To apologize to the professor.
C. To change the date of her exam.
D. To schedule her flight.
听力原文:S: Let's talk about the results of your laboratory experiment. Did you have any problems with it?
B: Yes, Professor Smith. We did.
S: Who's your lab partner, Bob?
B: Anne Wilson.
S: Well, Anne, can you and Bob go over the procedure for the class?
A: Sure. First we put ten grams of crushed limestone in a bottle.
S: Anything special about the bottle?
B: It was a gas-collecting bottle with a one-hole stopper and bent glass tubing.
S: Very good. So you put the limestone in a gas-collecting bottle. Then what?
A: Then we poured in ten milligrams of hydrochloric acid, put on the stopper, and collected a bottle of carbon dioxide.
S: Right, what was the method of collection?A: Water displacement.
S: Good.
A: Then, we lit a magnesium ribbon and put it in the bottle of carbon dioxide.
B: And carbon deposits began to form. on the bottom of the bottle, you see, we didn't have any problem with procedure...
A:WeI1, we had a little problem getting the magnesium ribbon to stay lit until we could get it into the bottle.
B: Okay. But we did it. The big problem was that we really didn't understand what happened. Did the magnesium combine with the oxygen in the carbon dioxide?
S: You have just answered your own question, Rob. The burning magnesium broke the carbon -oxygen bonds in the carbon dioxide, and then the oxygen combined with the magnesium to produce magnesium oxide.
A: And the carbon was freed to deposit itself on the bottle.
S: Exactly.
What is the purpose of this class discussion?
A. To discuss the results of the lab experiment.
B. To answer Bob's question about the lab experiment.
C. To explain the method of collection by water displacement.
D. To prepare the students to do the lab experiment.