They spend one hour______ video games or using a computer for leisure.
A. playing
B. to play
C. play
D. played
Men are ________ in spectator sports than women
A. much interested
B. more interested
C. more interesting
D. much interesting
Match the English expressions with the Chinese meanings:
A. 王生早行所遇女子,乃是厉鬼。
B. 鬼之所以可以变化为美女又变化为老妪,是因善于在人皮上绘制人之眉目手足,十分逼真。
C. 道士警告王生美女乃鬼所化而王生不听,是以最后被吸血而亡。
D. 道士能伏妖却不能起死回生。
A. 嘲笑她“佳人爱我乎?”
B. 以杖痛击陈氏。
C. 讥讽陈氏并非是阎罗王,如何能使丈夫起死回生。
D. 咯出一把痰唾,要陈氏吃下。