

A. 钙含量高于牛乳
B. 母乳不容易发生过敏
C. 酪蛋白/乳白蛋白比例较牛乳高
D. 牛磺酸含量较牛乳低
E. 铁的生物利用率较牛乳低



When trying to run topas on an AIX 4.3.x system, the system administrator gets the error message "ksh: topas: not found." Which of the following options is the most likely reason this occurred?()

A. The fileset bos.perf.tools is not loaded on this system.
B. The fileset perfagent.tools is not loaded on this system.
C. The command topas is only available in AIX version 5.x.
D. The path variable does not include /usr/samples/kernel/. Either add it to the .profile or cd to that location and run the command again.


A. 注册资本为人民币5亿元,净资本为人民币1亿元
B. 从业人员20人均具有3年从事保荐相关业务的经历
C. 符合保荐代表人资格条件的从业人员5人
D. 最近3年内未因重大违法违规行为受到行政处罚

An administrator has added hdisk2 to rootvg and would like to create a boot logical volume on the disk soit can be used as theprimary boot partition on the next reboot. Which command should the administrator use?()

A. bosboot -ad hdisk2
B. mkblv -y bootlv hdisk2
C. crlv -t bootlv -d hdisk2
D. bootlist -om normal hdisk2
