A. 妊娠中后期
B. 肝硬化腹水
C. 肝性脑病先兆
D. 电解质严重紊乱
E. 巨大卵巢囊肿
The following complications of abdominocentesis, which one is not correct
A. hepatic
B. bleeding
C. pleural reaction
D. infection
E. electrolyte disorder
There is a patient who has liver cirrhosis needs to release ascites, the amount for the first time should not exceed
A. 1000ml
B. 2000ml
C. 3000ml
D. 4000ml
E. 5000ml
A. 补液
B. 吸氧
C. 继续穿刺
D. 使用肾上腺素
E. 测量血压