After the experiment was over, the man might have felt that______.
A. hunger is less painful once you get used to it
B. a man can survive for years on only one meal a day
C. you enjoy your food more if you go hungry for a while
D. something should be done for the hungry people of the world
Fast-food restaurants are______.
A. indifferent to this case
B. very worried about this case
C. quite concerned about this case
D. quite optimistic about this case
A. “天人感应”
B. “大一统”
C. “三纲五常”
D. “敬鬼神而远之”
According to the passage, the most basic reason for the high rate of college enrollment is______.
A. social pressure
B. easy access to colleges
C. people"s faith in education
D. the large number of colleges