A. 因特网
B. 网上银行
C. 业务系统
D. 支付平台
A. 寒湿腰痛
B. 风湿腰痛
C. 瘀血腰痛
D. 湿热腰痛
E. 肾虚腰痛
The IBM XIV Storage System is designed to be cost-efficient in all aspects, while deliveringoutstanding and consistent performance. Which of these features is currently UNAVAILABLE onthe XIV system?()
A. single-tier architecture supports all kinds of storage in one environment and makes scaling easy
B. built-in thin-provisioning allows the acquisition and installation of additional capacity to bedelayed until needed.
C. innovative use of solid state disk drives offers excellent capacity-for-cost value while meetingenterprise performance standards
D. use of off-the-shelf components makes customized hardware unnecessary and makes itpossible to integrate state-of-the-art hardware assoon as it becomes available.