
《物权法》第117条规定:“用益物权人对他人所有的不动产或者动产,依法享有占有、使用和收益的权利。”请运用民法原理分析: 试分析该制度的法律效力。


Some products respond to consumers" needs; others, like Sony"s airboard, seek to create them. Like sending e-mails from the pool, or curling up in bed with your favorite sitcom. This futuristic apparatus combines the functions of a television, a DVD player and the Internet into a portable tablet the size of a place mat. If it catches on, it could change the concept of being digital at home.At 1.5kg, the airboard is light enough to carry anywhere in the house, and can send and receive data wirelessly from a base station hooked up to home-entertainment equipment. A 10.4-inc. (26-cm) LCD screen delivers vivid moving images or can serve as a digital photo album, and a touch-panel display eliminates the need for a keyboard. Sony, which began selling the device in Japan late last year, praises it as the Walkman of the information age. "It is amazing," says company president Kunitake Ando, who loftily describes the device as a gateway connecting the home to the outside world and eventually linking all appliances within. "The wireless environment will become quite common pretty soon."I tried out the airboard in my Tokyo apartment, and I have to admit: it"s way cool. First of all, airboarding is easy. I didn"t crack the instruction manual once to get the thing set up—and this is from someone who has trouble finding the "record" button on the VCR. Relaxing on my balcony, I could call up the airboard"s on-screen remote control and start playing video. By pressing another button, I could Net surf or check my e-mail account, while a split screen let me simultaneously watch my movie. The airboard"s base station—the size of a shoe box—doubles as a stand and battery charger. There is a slot for inserting a Sony memory stick, the gum-stick-sized cassette used to store photos and other digital files.But the airboard is not for everybody. At $1,065, it costs as much as a laptop but isn"t meant for serious computing. Checking e-mail is easy, but a 56-kbps modem makes for pretty slow surfing. The touch panel is fine for sending quick messages, but pushing the on-screen buttons is tedious for anything longer. The function of the eliminated keyboard is complemented by ______.

A. a touch-panel
B. a remote control
C. a base station
D. an instruction manual

甲、乙、丙、丁四个人。甲向乙借款10万元,将自己的家用电器作为抵押,并与乙订了抵押合同,但没有登记。之后,甲又向丙借款10万元,将已经抵押了的家用电器转移丙占有作为质押。后来甲经营失利,无力偿债。其间,丙把家用电器损坏,交由丁修理,修理费用2万元,丙没有支付2万元修理费,丁留置该家用电器。问: 乙、丙、丁之间如何就该家用电器受清偿为什么

某年夏天,某市开发商经该市计划委员会、城市规划管理局等部门批准,开发居民高层公寓楼,先后有400多客户与该开发商签订购房合同,并在依约定交纳全部购房款、取得相关产权证的前提下,住进该公寓楼。后开发商将该楼顶部出租给个体户陈某,每年租金1万元,陈某利用楼顶空间栽种花卉。由于花卉浇灌用水向楼顶渗透,引起马某等居民不满。因与开发商协商不成,马某等联名按购房合同中的仲裁条款申请仲裁,要求开发商终止与陈某的合同,停止侵害并赔偿损失。问: 本案中,楼顶部分所有权归谁为什么


A. 对
B. 错
