

A. what
B. since
C. as
D. that



A. meanwhile
B. unless
C. whereas
D. for

Immigration stirs up strong enough fears to justify questionable measures of protection against it— from arrests at the doors of French schools to the border wall that separates the USA from Mexico. Economic research suggests that the intensity of these reactions seems completely disproportionate to immigrations real economic impact on the local population. David Card has shown that even massive waves of immigration dont result in lower salaries or fewer jobs for local people in the US. In a recent survey article, he concluded that the "new immigration" assimilates just as well as previous waves had, and that the wages and employment prospects of natives are not any lower in cities that received more migrants. Furthermore, Patricia Cortes also showed that an increase in the number of immigrants causes a price-drop in the sectors where theyre concentrated.


A. snow
B. earth
C. room
D. ice


A. beneath
B. from
C. under
D. beyond
